DNBP launches Little League and Danish Development League

This summer the DNBP will launch Denmark's first ever Little League (U13) and Development League (U18). The creation of the two leagues will add a total of 44 games to the summer baseball schedule, all played in Denmark. We want to thank everyone who signed up and worked hard to make this happen.


The Danish Development League is a first of its kind youth league in Denmark. Players were invited to register for the league, then those players would be drafted to one of three teams. The first open registration saw 37 players between the ages of 13 and 18 register and were chose to compete for the Pirates, Piranhas, or Crabbers. First game of the DDL season will take place on April 27th in Odense, and will conclude with the championship game in Lyngby on June 28th.  

Little League

Little League will kick off its season May 10th with 2 games in Lyngby and 2 games in Malmø. The inaugural season will consist of 4 teams, the Lyngby Jokers, Odense Wolves, Copenhagen Urban Achievers, and the Malmø Pilots. The 24 game schedule will conclude September 13th. 

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